SANDBOXES in the realm of anti-virus software are appropriately termed as the functionality they provide. The concept is very simple, like the boxed-off areas in the playgrounds ensure that the children can play in a restricted environment in the sand without spreading it in the whole playground. The messy environment remains within the boundaries.


SHADE Sandbox is a necessary simulated virtual environment in your system. Instead of running software and browsing the internet directly from your system,  you can perform these activities through a safe virtual environment. This advanced mechanism enables a highly controlled setting for running new or suspicious applications without risking the integrity of your operating system.


Untrustworthy software is often disguised as a tested application. Rather than making your computer’s operating system vulnerable to the threat of running an untrusted application, you can run software or your browser through SHADE Sandbox. This will not impact the software’s performance but will guarantee that any content you use on the browser and the internet will have no access to the files and data saved on your computer. Professional developers also use simulated environments to check new features added to application coding. This evades the chance of any potential conflict from the live environment and empowers them to note what effects these changes impose on the virtual environment. Using the sandboxed browser ascertains that any software you need to run through your browser will be stopped from accessing key files and other elements of your operating system by a virtual wall. SHADE Sandbox creates a virtual environment that enables you to do software testing and note how it will interact with your computer’s operating system. Therefore, you won’t be gulled into downloading an app that will draw out the life out of your computer. Fortunately, your sandbox ensures that any suspicious content that wants access to your computer’s data can’t get it.


In a usual non-sandbox environment, when you surf the internet, the installed antivirus on your computer filters your system's from malware. If your virus scan is unable to pick up Trojans when they cause changes to your files, it can be a grave situation. However, the sandbox environment ascertains that suspicious content can’t access your operating system. They get blocked in the simulated environment; when you close the environment there is no threat anymore. SHADE Sandboxing solution can create a very useful line of defense against malicious code that may be present on the internet. This feature is included in some of the efficient anti-virus software and creates additional walls of security for your computer. If your software virus-scan doesn’t provide a Sandbox feature, then your computer may still be at risk of a cyberattack.